Monday, November 10, 2008

Cambree was born on November 6th at 1:20 P.M. Jana was in Labor for only 5 hours. It was awesome. Everything went perfectly, without any problems. It was completely opposite from what Kiley was. It was just Jana and I at the hospital and not the whole family. Oh and the Karate Kid was on too. So it was really good. Cambree is a very quiet baby, for the most part. When she cries everyone knows about it. But that doesn't happen often.

Jana is doing pretty good. She is still taking pain pills but she's doing good. She's been keeping herself busy as usual. She is taking two weeks off but I'm sure she'll be up at the church at some point trying to get some work done. I'm taking this Thursday and Friday off. Becky, Jana's sister is in town for a few days and is helping her so I figured it would be better to take those days off.

Today I gave my six week notice at Coinstar. It was easier than I thought. Everyone that I talked to was really cool about it. I'm going to be working full time at my Church as the youth director and what ever else Preacher says. I'm really looking forward to it. I have to be licensed to preach before I can receive any tax benefits and this has to be done before the end of the year. So we're doing it on December 14th. You should see the stuff I have to memorize. But its good for me.

In this video she is 2 days old